New Versions of Old Titles

Chalcedon has been asked, over the years, for titles which have been reprinted but go under new names for various reasons. Whether it is for copyright reasons or just a better name here are the titles you might be looking for which have been renamed.

A book, occasionally, asked about which we have reprinted in the form of the Word in Season set. As Chalcedon didn't own this title we reprinted the articles spread out throughout the Word in Season set so the articles could be reprinted.

The multi-volume series is taken from over 430 articles written by Rushdoony over the span of 25 years (1966-1991) for the California Farmer, an agricultural periodical that provided him a regular column entitled "The Pastor's Pulpit." It has long been a desire of many to see these insightful and challenging articles published in a book format. We're happy to announce that the wait is over. Read and enjoy!


The Roots of Reconstruction

Roots was a collection of Rushdoony's early position papers, articles and medical reports from 1965 through 1985. As Rushdoony has many more writings after 1985; enough that many were published after his passing in 2001.

When our stock dwindled and reprinting was necessary; we didn't want to just reprint the same book without indices. We complied everything available in the form of position papers, medical reports and articles (from our publications) to start the process of creating an updated version. We soon realized we were looking at a much larger book (or books) and decided to publish the different content on their own.

Faith & Wellness consists of his medical reports: Rushdoony lays foundations for this by explaining the connection between salvation and healing, establishing the vital importance of treating the whole man (body and spirit), and renewing the vision for doctors to embrace their priestly callings. This is an essential read for anyone who wants to reform health care.

Faith and Action is the complete collection of the essays of R. J. Rushdoony written for the Chalcedon Report between 1965 and 2001 along with several transcripts of his recorded talks.

An Informed Faith is the complete collection of his position papers (1979-2000) are organized topically and are featured for the first time with an extensive index which will make this material far more accessible to the studious reader. It includes ALL of Rushdoony's position papers (not only the 115 originally published in Roots of Reconstruction, but also 118 later essays, including six recently discovered unpublished papers).


The Roots of Inflation

This small book on inflation was pretty popular in its day. But when it needed reprinting; Chalcedon took the opportunity to rename it and redesign the cover.

The Roots of Inflation became Larceny in the Heart: The Economics of Satan and the Inflationary State.

In this concise volume, Rushdoony uncovers the larceny in the heart of man and its results: class warfare and conflict society in which the rise of hostility and envy are seen as steps towards social progress, when in fact they lead to disaster. The political solutions posited lead to a inflationary economy and an overbearing state.



Politics of Pornography

In 1974, R. J. Rushdoony, wrote, "[T]his new pornography, first conceived by Sade - will not be eliminated by moral indignation or by legislation." Rushdoony recognized that the roots of pornography in modern culture are essentially religious and must be combated religiously.

When republished in 2005, it was retitled Noble Savages: Exposing the Worldview of Pornographers and Their War Against Christian Civilization.

In this powerful book Noble Savages (formerly The Politics of Pornography) Rushdoony demonstrates that in order for modern man to justify his perversion he must reject the Biblical doctrine of the fall of man. If there is no fall, the Marquis de Sade argued, then all that man does is normative. Rushdoony concluded, "[T]he world will soon catch up with Sade, unless it abandons its humanistic foundations."

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