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Great Christian Revolution

Great Christian Revolution

R. J. Rushdoony, Mark R. Rushdoony, and Otto Scott

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A major work on the impact of Reformed thinking on our civilization. Some of the studies, historical and theological, break new ground and provide perspectives previously unknown or neglected.

"Is the LORD's hand waxed short?" Many Christians today believe it has. Whenever the church sounds a trumpet this uncertain for the King of Kings, civil rulers have drawn the same conclusion – and acted upon it. This volume documents the critical relationship between faulty theologies and the nations staked their destiny on the myths so engendered. Like the prodigal son, modern Christianity is hunger-bitten, consuming mere husks, worshipping the semi-mighty god of Arminianism. When God’s people return to the Almighty God of Scripture, the trampling underfoot of Satan will be inevitable.

ebook | 4.26 MB

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TOPICS: Christian Reconstruction, Government, Reformed Thought, Theology,


PUBLISHER: Chalcedon/Ross House Books

CONTAINS: Zip File Contains (PDF, MOBI, AZW3, EPUB)


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