Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Kingdom Come
Studies in Daniel and Revelation
R. J. Rushdoony
First published in 1970, this book helped spur the modern rise of postmillennialism. Revelation's details are often perplexing, even baffling, and yet its main meaning is clear: it is a book about victory. It tells us that our faith can only result in victory. "This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith" (1 John 5:4). This is why knowing Revelation is so important. It assures us of our victory and celebrates it. Genesis 3 tells us of the fall of man into sin and death. Revelation gives us man's victory in Christ over sin and death. The vast and total victory, in time and eternity, set forth by John in Revelation is too important to bypass. This victory is celebrated in Daniel and elsewhere in the Bible. We are not given a Messiah who is a loser. These eschatological texts make clear that the essential good news of the entire Bible is victory, total victory.
Audiobook | 10 hrs and 53 mins
Product Details
TOPICS: Biblical Commentary, Dispensationalism, Eschatology, New Testament History, Old Testament History,
RELATED SCRIPTURE: Daniel and Revelation
PUBLISHER: Chalcedon
CONTAINS: 4 zip files (911 MB)
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